My writing method

General points
Writing panel
One key abbreviations
Verbs not conjugated
Abbreviations needing two keys
Abbreviations needing three keys
Abbreviations of words ending by ...tion or ...ble
Abbreviations of words ending by ...sion or ...ment
Abbreviations of words ending by, ...ty or ...ent
Abbreviations of words ending by ...ce, ...ed or ...ous
Abbreviations of words ending by ...ness or ...less

Abbreviations using numbers

Abbreviations of words ending by ...sion or ...ment

 For all these words I make an abbreviation with the first letter of the first two syllables, and for last letters “s”, “m”.

Words ending by “sion” are :

compression c-p-s
dimension d-m-s
expression e-sion
illusion i-l-s
impression i-p-s
occasion o-c-s
omission om-s
oppression o-p-s
submission s-m-s
television t-l-s
version v-s
vision v-sion

Words ending by “ment” are :

appointment a-p-m
argument a-g-m
arrangement a-r-m
department d-p-m
encouragement en-c-m
enjoyment e-j-m
enlargement e-l-m
entanglement e-g-m
equipment e-q-m
establishment e-t-m
excitement e-c-m
government g-v-m
improvement i-p-m
management m-n-m
measurement m-s-m
movement m-v-m
payment p-y-m
punishment p-n-m
refinement r-f-m
requirement r-q-m
retirement r-t-m
temperament t-p-m
treatment tt-m
unemployment u-e-m
vehement v-h-m