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Keyboard shortcuts
Most tasks (open a file or an application, close a window, hide an application, put a window in the dock, save, quit, etc… ) can be done by the keyboard, which avoids passing by the menu. If a SwitchXS user puts those keyboard shortcuts in his scanning panels, he saves precious time and energy. Keyboard shortcuts are done with modifier keys which are :
Note : on PC, Option is Alt. In SwitchXS Preferences, Keyboard section, tick “Auto turn off modifier keys (expect caps lock)”, so that after having typed a keyboard shortcut or a capital, you do not need to type the modifier key again. Most applications have common keyboard shortcut. The main ones are :
There are plenty of other keyboard shortcuts that can be found in : System Preferences / Keyboard and Mouse / Keyboard Shortcuts
Cut = Copy + Move to Trash Save as : lets you change the name of a file (then it is duplicated), choose where to put it, and eventually change it’s format. Page setup : lets you see what will be printed, and eventually change presentation. Select all : lets you select the hole text, or the hole list in the Finder. Hide : hides the application in which you are without quitting, makes place on a crowded screen. Undo : very useful after a wrong operation. Minimize = put active window in dock Save : as long as your work is not saved, it is not in your computer, and can be lost at any time, it is very important to save your work regularly.
The most important keyboard shortcuts of the Finder are :
In word-processing packages, the most important keyboard shortcuts are :
To move rapidly in a text, those keyboard shortcut keys must go on until you switch. For that, go in the SwitchXS preferences, Keyboard section, and tick “Auto-repeat key, text, and macro buttons” and “Repeat after switch is released”. Then in LayoutKitchen, all these keys must have the “Allow auto repeat” case, ticked on. |