Learning method

General points
Files and Folders
The Finder
Apple menu*
Scanning panel
Mouse action
Electronic mail
Keyboard shortcuts
System Preferences*
Making scanning panels I*
Making scanning panels II*

The grey strip at the bottom of the computer’s screen is called “Dock”. It can be put in vertically, on the left or the right of the screen : choose “Dock” in the Apple menu, and let yourself be guided through. You can hide it or activate enlargement, which makes it swell out each time the mouse’s cursor approaches ; useful if the Dock is small. You can define the Dock’s size in the Dock’s preferences, in the “System Preferences” (see chapter System Preferences). I do not recommend Dock’s enlargement for persons using SwitchXS, for managing mouse with SwitchXS is not so easy. 

Put in the Dock or take out. You can put icon’s applications inside the Dock : open the Application’s folder in the Finder, choose an application, then drag it’s icon inside the Dock and drop it. To take an icon out of the Dock, you just drag it out, and when you drop it outside, it disappears.

Composition. At the very left is the Finder’s icon, and at the very right is the trash’s icon. The trash is a halfway state, you first move useless files and folders to the trash (either by a drag and drop operation, either by selecting it and then choosing “Move to Trash” in the Finder’s File menu, or typing “Command Backspace” () keyboard shortcut), and then after having verified what is in the trash, you empty it, by choosing “Empty Trash” in the Finder menu, or by typing “Shift Command Backspace” () keyboard shortcut. You should often empty the trash, it saves memory and it is not good for the computer to have a full trash.

Open an application from the Dock. For persons who can manage the mouse fairly well, the Dock is very convenient for opening applications or files, you just need to click on it’s icon ; but for those who need SwitchXS, the fastest way is to type it’s icon in the “Keyboard and Mouse bis” scanning panel. If the icon is not in that panel, select it in the Dock, and then type Return. To select an icon in the Dock, first select the Finder’s icon, by typing “Control F3” (^F3) keyboard shortcut (last key, third column, before last row of Keyboard and Mouse bis scanning panel), and then pass from icon to icon, with the right or left arrows(, ) ; but for that, the case “All controls” must be ticked, in

Apple menu / System Preferences / Keyboard and Mouse / Keyboard Shortcuts

Note : in the Dock, you can also put files and folders.